Opera browser now allows emojionly addresses
Opera browser now allows emojionly addresses

opera browser now allows emojionly addresses

Now we have to spell things with emojis? Yats and the crypto wallet connection Once the company flogs you ownership of a personalized string of emojis, then only you can use it.Īnd here we are all thinking that’s what the alphabet was for… you know, to spell out a name. Yat emoji sequences are being touted as ‘Web3 usernames.’ Like NFTs, Yats promise uniqueness. For the first time in the history of the internet, users will be able to navigate the web by entering a string of emojis into the URL bar. Opera became the first web browser to enable these emoji-only based web addresses. Emoji string of choice only $140 Yats-enabled Now, you can type in 💎 💎 💎 instead of But that’s only if the web browser supports it. But forget typing in numerous alphanumeric characters into a URL. When a person buys a Yat, they can then use those Yats as a web identifier. In a nutshell, Yats are an emoji or several emojis together.

opera browser now allows emojionly addresses

But recently, a golden key emoji sold for over $400K. You may (rightfully) scoff at the thought of buying emojis. Because now, you can buy a “unique sequence” of emojis that can become your Web3 identity.

opera browser now allows emojionly addresses

Move over NFTs, there’s a new bubble in town.Įmojis have become as annoying and vacuous as some NFTs. It helps you bring attention to yourself on Web3. Prepare yourself for this annoying but apparently popular new tool.

Opera browser now allows emojionly addresses